Hello friends, Are you looking for toy breed? Chihuahua dog is the best option for you. This breed named for the Mexican state of Chihuahua, a smallest dog breed among all dogs. If you’re in Delhi and looking for the same breed, you’re at the right website. This website is totally dedicated for the dog lovers, Where we updated all the details about Canine family.

Chihuahua dog price in Delhi ₹15,000 to ₹25,000

These dogs is smallest but the price is high, these dogs usually kept as companionship or for showing purpose. In this article, we updated all the information, which is necessary for any buyer before making the purchase. Thus, you need to read this article at the end. So, you’ll get basic to advance idea about this breed. Let’s continue…

Chihuahua Dog Price in Delhi

Chihuahua Dog Price in Delhi

Chihuahua is a smallest dog breed among all dogs.
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Current registries specify Chihuahua has an “apple-head” or “apple-dome” skull conformation. These dogs can easily available in any color combination. These dogs have round eyes, erect ears and dramatically rounded skull. These dogs height ranges between 6 and 9 in (15 and 23 cm) and as per the British standard these dogs weight 4–6 lb (1.8–2.7 kg) is preferred. Chihuahua makes you loyal, charm and funniest part, these small canine have big-dog attitude.

Chihuahua Dog Price in Delhi

These dogs are little, does not mean they aren’t destructive. These dogs require proper training just like other dog breed. Otherwise, these little one doing unnecessary activities that you never expected. This breed is too small just like a small kids, you need to be special taken care them in cold weather. These dogs getting popularity as long as time passes over, Delhi people loves these dogs.

Note: The lifespan of Chihuahua is about 10 to 18 years. This is exceptionally higher than other dog breeds.

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Health Issues

 Chihuahuas are healthy little dogs but there is some genetic issues in this breed. We recommend, you must find the breeder having routinely health screening checkups to ensure the puppies in condition. Some of the possible affect you must ask to the breeder like eye disease, arteriosus, mitral valve disease and Idiopathic epilepsy.

Grooming Factor

 It’s depend, if you have smooth-coat Chihuahua, you need to do occasional brushing whereas the longhaired breed should have brushed the coat at least once a week – This might helps to avoid the tangles and mats. Both kind of verities need regular nail trimmed.

Chihuahua Dog Price in Delhi

Exercise Time

Chihuahua are the playing dogs, They always looking something to run and play all the home space. Small home space is necessary for these dogs, they were complete their exercise while playing and enjoying your companionship. These dogs are small, a slow walk keep them healthy and maintain the weight.

Training Criteria

Chihuahua is a very intelligent and alert dog, These little once always eager to please human being and as such respond positive signal while doing trainings practice. Must be taken care, never learn your Chihuahua anything wrong, which is unacceptable in an adult age.

Chihuahua dog price in Delhi ₹15,000 to ₹25,000

Chihuahua Dog Price in Delhi

These dogs is smallest but the price is high

Nutrition quantity

 Chihuahua are prone to overweight, you need to taken care the over consumption of calorie and thus maintain the weight . Must be taken care, avoid cooked bones and excess fact food. Moreover, Concern you vet over the weight and diet plan.

Is Chihuahuas tolerate the cold?

Chihuahuas don’t tolerate the cold, These tiny size dogs doesn’t keep them warm as naturally. These are sensitive to temperature, when the outside temperature below 25 degree, harmful for Chihuahua. At 20 degrees, very cold for them.

Is Chihuahua fast learners?

Chihuahua is a fast learners, these are compete in agility and obedience. These dogs are very much enthusiasm and urge to learn something as large dogs. These were curious and bold throughout their lifespan.

Chihuahua Dog Price in Delhi

Last Lines about Chihuahua dog breed in Delhi

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